Archive: AdvReplaceInFile and FileWrite output

AdvReplaceInFile and FileWrite output
using the function AdvReplaceInFile to replace strings in a file, but the output file is unreadable!?
Want to replace dbname in a sql-script.

;copying the .sql file to the install dir here

Push "_DB_NAME_" #text to be replaced
Push "test" #replace with
Push all #replace all occurrences
Push all #replace all occurrences
Push "$INSTDIR\test.sql" #file to replace in
Call AdvReplaceInFile

But the resulting file is unreadable, just jibberish. Any ideas?

Hi udden :) !

Well, I've tried your code on a 'dummy' test.sql file, and it does work perfectly... Did you manage to get this working ? Otherwise, could you post your file ?



after quite some testning, i figured it out a few hours ago.

i simply printed every read, and found out that the file i was using contained some illegal characters in the beginning. when i tried with a new file, it worked like a charm :)

thanks for the reply anyways.
