Archive: New Modern UI (Office XP Style)

New Modern UI (Office XP Style)
I've modified the "modern.exe" to make this "modern_offixeXP.exe".

Hope you like it.

All the control positions seem to be fine for now. except when we use the welcome page.

Because of the changed height the default welcome screen bmp looks improper.

The bmp will have to somewhere around 372 pixels high, I think. Anyway thats OK for now.

=-= suggestion =-=
how about incorporating a welcome screen as part of the UI ?
(a bmp on the left and three STATIC controls on the right; one on top-right (heading, big size !), one in the middle-right and one and the bottom-right, just above the "Back and Next" buttons.

forgot to attach the zip file, oops, here it is

Could you post some screenshots?

The welcome page is a custom InstallOptions page.

got you...I'm saying that as the welcome screen is "nearly" :D a default thing, why not have is in the EXE itself (remove IO dependancy)

Yes yes, I know the next argument might be that, some other user will ask for a "user name, password" dialog as part of the EXE.

So...we could get a few suggestion (or you developers discuss it) and then narrow them down to a few, which get used 99.99 % of the times. :)

How about that idea ? :)

Including it in the UI would increase the Installer overhead for installers that did not use that function and since it's quite easy to add it using IO, exacly the same command :p .

Also leaving it as IO makes the customisation of the welcome/finish pages a lot simpler. :D


I understand about the overheads.

Is it possible to discard (not put in the final installer exe) the dialogs which are not used ?

Also leaving it as IO makes the customisation of the welcome/finish pages a lot simpler.
I think you mean that some one might want a "Launch program" checkbox on the finish page, someone might not want "Create desktop shortcut" checkbox, etc, right ?

Yes that and also changing the layout and the text of the welcome page dynamically, e.g. have a different layout/text of the welcome page depending on the version of windows, by simply modifying the ioSpecial.ini before displaying the welcome/finsh page.


"YES" to what ?
If "YES" to the discard question, then let the user NOT use the default finish page and use his/her own modified one !?!

What the default page will/will not have can be discussed (finalized) by the main developers ???

Still...wouldn't the welcome page be in similarity to the rest of the installer(i.e. same dimension, etc), so why not (again ! :)) be part of the exe.

If the user want something more than a BMP and some texts, use IO.

How about a "default" feature in some next version...
and a relieving notice could be...:)

NSIS v2.x.x.x now has Welcome dlg, Username/Company/Pasword dlg, BMP control to show images during install, Finish dlg :) incorporated as part of itself (relief from CAPITAL MACROS) :D (no pun intended)

Or is it a DEFINITE NOOOO to what I am suggesting ?

Anyone else wants to be in on this topic ???