12th March 2004 00:32 UTC
Dynamically updating a listbox
I have a listbox containing a dynamically generated list of items.
What I want to do is to delete a specific item in the list when a button is clicked. I have detected the button click and I can change text in textboxes using:
GetDlgItem $1 $hwnd 1201 ; field 2 (1200 + field 2 - 1)
SendMessage $1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 'STR:TextBoxUpdated'
But this same method does not work for list boxes.
Any suggestions?
12th March 2004 03:08 UTC
Use the message "LB_DELETESTRING" (To delete a string inside a ListBox) with "LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT" (To find the string inside a ListBox):
!define LB_DELETESTRING 0x0182
>#$R0 = Control Handle
#$R1 = String to Delete
>System::Call "user32::SendMessageA(i R0, i ${LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT}, i '1', t R1) i.R1"
>System::Call "user32::SendMessageA(i R0, i ${LB_DELETESTRING}, i R1, n) i"
>StrCmp $R1 -1 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Error: String not found."
12th March 2004 04:55 UTC
Sweet - it worked like a charm - thanks