Archive: Find the directory in registry to install to?

Find the directory in registry to install to?
  Hi im an absolute new to make installers by scripting, what i would like to know is how do you make a section that tells to read i the registry for a location to install too. remember im new, i dont understand any scripting language :-( , though i can read hehe, so found out i need to use readregstr somewhere, how should the line look like, and how do i make the installdir to point to that directory? plz give me an example from the real life :-) , cant translate any of the var_set x+y and thing like that.
would be great if you could even write the whole command on how to read from registry place HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\GhostRecon.exe and under there is a string called path, thats where i would like to make NSIS look and somehow make the string to installdir.
Hope anyone see my problem :-)
Another little thing, how do you add a whole directory containing of several 1000 files and folders? im not gonna add them individualy lol, so far im repacking my stuff to zip and use zip2exe.
thx in advance kuko.

the StripPath function should help you here

ty for the quick reply, but im new lol cant understand any of the thing that script do, cant even see where it would look for the uninstall reg entry to look for winamp, i need a step by step guide :-( sorry.

this reads directory from registry, and returns it inot variable $RegInstDir. later in sections you can use $RegInstDir just like $INSTDIR.


>Function .oninit
ReadRegStr $RegInstDir HKCU "Software\MyProgram" "Directory"

SetOutPath $RegInstDir
File "c:\\myfile.txt"

ah, i read something else. depending on the registry entry, either InstallDirRegKey or the above mentioned StripPath should bring you further. i recommend you check the example-scripts in the NSIS directory or in the archive.

ok thx for the answers, well i found something similar though required alot of testing, but i got it working somehow, looks like this

Function .onInit
Push $INSTDIR ;save compile-time value
ReadRegStr $INSTDIR HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\GhostRecon.exe" path
StrCmp $INSTDIR "" 0 +2
Pop $INSTDIR ;return compile-time value

so thats the first part :-) i got it to show d:\ghost recon , now i need to add \mods\ to the $instdir

InstallDirRegKey does exactly the same thing.

Amasing how simpel it can be done :-) jep InstallDirRegKey worked fine for this installer, thx, though i still need to find out how to add \mods\ to the install dir then?

Function .onInit

Thx now im ready to make some installations :-)

oh wasent so easy at all :-( i got this so far : Name "${PRODUCT_NAME}"
OutFile "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Skrivebord\SotoPlasterV4.exe"
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Red Storm Entertaintment\Ghost Recon\Mods\SotoPlasterv4"
ShowInstDetails show
ShowUnInstDetails show

InstallDirRegKey HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\GhostRecon.exe" path

Function .onInit

Section "MainSection" SEC01
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
SetOverwrite ifnewer
File /r "E:\Ghost Recon\mods\SOTOPlasterV4\*.*"
SectionEnd problem is if there is no reference to the path in the registry, the path would look like this C:\Programmer\Red Storm Entertaintment\Ghost Recon\Mods\SotoPlasterv4\MODS\SotoPlasterV4 i guess i should add some check to see if it found a valid directory in the registry, what should that be?

That's because you have added

InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Red Storm Entertaintment\Ghost

If you remove that line $INSTDIR will be empty in .onInit if there is no valid path.

Thx though i have found another solution, and its working, again somehow :-)

Function .onInit
ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\GhostRecon.exe" "path"
StrCmp $R0 "" NotPresent Present

StrCpy $INSTDIR "$programfiles\Red Storm Entertainment\Ghost Recon\Mods\SotoPlasterV4"
goto done

strcpy $instdir $R0\mods\SotoPlasterV4
installdir \SotoPlasterV4
Section "MainSection" SEC01
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
SetOverwrite ifnewer
File /r "E:\Ghost Recon\mods\SOTOPlasterV4\*.*"