Archive: Copying uncompressed files during install

Copying uncompressed files during install
Trying to copy files. Is my syntax wrong? Examples/help??

Contact me at the following places, if not here.
AIM: SMMatthewP

From the NSIS documentation: CopyFiles

[/SILENT] [/FILESONLY] filespec_on_destsys destination_path [size_of_files_in_kb]

Copies files from the source to the destination on the installing system. Useful with $EXEDIR if you want to copy from installation media, or to copy from one place to another on the system. You might see a Windows status window of the copy operation if the operation takes a lot of time (to disable this, use /SILENT). The last parameter can be used to specify the size of the files that will be copied (in kilobytes), so that the installer can approximate the disk space requirements. On error, or if the user cancels the copy (only possible when /SILENT was omitted), the error flag is set. If /FILESONLY is specified, only files are copied.

If no absolute path is specified the current folder will be used. The current folder is the folder set using the last SetOutPath instruction. If you have not used SetOutPath the current folder is usually $EXEDIR.
Is my syntax wrong ?
Err, I don't know as you didn't attach your script... :D


help and stuff...
I've gone through all that. It is in the help file too.
It is also contradictory...
I'll have example code in a few minutes, i'm repairing that comp at the moment...

Here is a code example./...

Section "Sound Files to Hard Drive" SoundFiles

; Put sounds files (from CD) on hard drive if user requests

AddSize 370000
;create directories
CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\SoundFiles"

CopyFiles "$EXEDIR\SoundFiles\*.*" "$INSTDIR\Soundfiles"

; WriteINIStr parms: 1) ini_filename 2) section_name 3) entry_name 4) value


Its not a matter of subdirectories, keep in mind.
Any ideas?

That code is valid. What goes wrong?

To debug, display the folders in a messagebox and make sure the files are there.