Archive: How to remove multiple $APPDATA

How to remove multiple $APPDATA
  My application saves data into application data folder for each user.

"C:\Documents and Settings\USER_A\Application Data\Company\AppName"
"C:\Documents and Settings\USER_B\Application Data\Company\AppName"
"C:\Documents and Settings\USER_C\Application Data\Company\AppName"

My own MFC based uninstaller removed these folders using CFileFind, FindNextFile, IsDirectory, GetFilePath...

Now I'm rewriting my setup program using NSIS.
I think that this $APPDATA removal feature is frequently used one in uninstallation. However I couldn't find out APIs or relevant sample. Is there any easy way to do this? or function sample?

Thanks in advance

File searching commands are available, see the Users Manual.

Hi :) !

As far as I know there is nothing available, but you could use this code, assuming that the users names are stored in a string named "users", separated by "|". For instance: "user_A|user_B|user_C"


>!include LogicLib.nsh


your defines / code / etc


>Function un.RemoveAppData
Push$0 ; Token Counter
Push$1 ; Current token (user)

; Initialises the counter
IntFmt$0 "%d" 1

; Get the first user
${UnStrTok} $1 $users | $0 1

; Loop until there are no more users
${DoUntil} "$1" == ""
MessageBox MB_OK 'Removes "C:\\Documents and Settings\\$1\\Application Data\\Company\\AppName"'

; Removes the AppData directory for the current user
RMDir "C:\\Documents and Settings\\$1\\Application Data\\Company\\AppName"

; Increment the token counter
IntOp$0 $0 + 1

; Get the next token
${UnStrTok} $1 $users | $0 1

Pop $1
Pop $0
