Archive: ZipDLL MUI and NSIS 2.0 Help Plz

ZipDLL MUI and NSIS 2.0 Help Plz
  Hello everyone,

I am having a problem that I am baffled on. I had a .nsi that compiled fine in 1.98 of NSIS, but now with 2.0 every time I try to compile the ZipDLL.nsh spits out an error telling me to "Include Modern UI First!", which is exactly what I include on the line before !include "ZipDLL.nsh"

Code Snippet...
;NSIS Modern User Interface version 1.63

!define MUI_PRODUCT "Cypress DocuSuite Demo" ;Define your own software name here
!define MUI_VERSION "V1.0.1" ;Define your own software version here
!define MUI_ICON "C:\Documents and Settings\marc\My Documents\Cypress\Support\DemoInstaller\cypressicon.ico"
!define MUI_UNICON "C:\Documents and Settings\marc\My Documents\Cypress\Support\DemoInstaller\cypressunicon.ico"
!define MUI_HEADERBITMAP "C:\Documents and Settings\marc\My Documents\Cypress\Support\DemoInstaller\installer_header.bmp"

!include "MUI.nsh"
!include "ZipDLL.nsh"


... And this is as far as it gets. Any Help you might be able to offer would be great.

Is it possible that when i re-installed ZipDLL I didn't put all the files in the right places within the NSIS folders?

Thanks in advance.


ZipDLL is a component that has nothing to do with the user interface, so you should be able to use it without any MUI code.

It looks like the author of this DLL uses some Modern UI macros. You are using an old development version (Modern UI 1.63), which is probably not compatible with this code.

I hack this code in ZipDLL.nsh

!error "Please include modern UI first!!"


; !error "Please include modern UI first!!"

It works well

Thanks for the help. I ended up doing the same hack last night. But I feel a whole lot better someone else tried the same thing.



That name should be replaced by MUI_INCLUDED.

i have the same problem!
i use nsis 2.0 and i always get this errormessage:
"!error: Please include modern UI first!!"
i commented this part out...


>!error "Please include modern UI first!!"
but then i get this message:
"Invalid command: ZipDLL::extractall
Error in macro MUI_ZIPDLL_EXTRACTALL on macroline 77
Error in macro copyfiles on macroline 8
Error in script "C:\dev\ClientEntwicklung\ITS\ITS_NSIS_Setup\examinersetup\ITSExaminer.nsi" on line 86 -- aborting creation process"

can anyone help me?

Did you copy the file to the plug-ins folder? Is the command in the list at the top of the compiler output?

it is in the include folder, but i include it this way...

   !include "MUI.nsh"

!include "${NSISDIR}\Include\ZipDLL\zipdll.nsh"
!include ITSExaminer.nsh
!include bit_functions.nsh
and its at the top... should i post the whole script?

thx for the quickie answer

I'm talking about the plug-in DLL file.

this code:

Define your own software name here

>!define MUI_VERSION "V1.0.1" ;Define your own software version here
>!define MUI_ICON "C:\Documents and Settings\marc\My Documents\Cypress\Support\DemoInstaller\cypressicon.ico"
>!define MUI_UNICON "C:\Documents and Settings\marc\My Documents\Cypress\Support\DemoInstaller\cypressunicon.ico"
>!define MUI_HEADERBITMAP "C:\Documents and Settings\marc\My Documents\Cypress\Support\DemoInstaller\installer_header.bmp"

>!include "MUI.nsh"
>!include "ZipDLL.nsh"
should better look like that:
!include "MUI.nsh"

>!include "ZipDLL.nsh"
>!define PRODUCT "Cypress DocuSuite Demo"
>!define VERSION "V1.0.1"
># MUI_PRODUCT and MUI_VERSION don't exist any more, see MUI-readme for more information.
>!define MUI_ICON "C:\Documents and Settings\marc\My Documents\Cypress\Support\DemoInstaller\cypressicon.ico"
>!define MUI_UNICON "C:\Documents and Settings\marc\My Documents\Cypress\Support\DemoInstaller\cypressunicon.ico"
>!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "C:\Documents and Settings\marc\My Documents\Cypress\Support\DemoInstaller\installer_header.bmp"
now, it's compatible to MUI 1.70, which is included in NSIS 2.1.
it's recommended to upgrade :)

oh i see... i have forgotten to copy the dll into the plugins folder...
