Archive: NSIS-Date to $Variable ?

NSIS-Date to $Variable ?
File /oname=$TEMP\nsisdt.dll nsisdt.dll
StrCpy $0 "%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss"
CallInstDLL "$TEMP\nsisdt.dll" currentdate

works until i replace $0 with $TimeStamp. strangely enough StrCpy $TimeStamp $0 doesnt work either.

Hi !

Well, as stated in the doc:

Step 1:
Generate a format string using the following:


Step 2:
Call currentdate

Step 3:
The current date is returned into $0.

What do you mean by :


strangely enough StrCpy $TimeStamp $0 doesnt work either. Do you make the "StrCpy" before or after the plugin call ?


using StrCpy after executing the plugin, the new variable will not contain the actual numbers, but the syntax (%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss in this case)