Archive: Programing help.

Programing help.
I need help with 2 things. The first one is it always wants to install to the C:\Program Files no matter what I change it to.


The only fix for this I find is if I click the browse button then click ok it then goes to the right folder. Is there maybe a temp file around that it could be reading to point to the program files Directory ? I'm running windows XP pro.

Second thing: How do I get this to run a program and then wait till it's done then continue the install?

Thank You,

1: InstallDir 'C:\MyDir\' will set the install to c:\MyDir the $PROGRAMFILES variable is defined to the windows program files directory which is usually "C:\Program Files"

2: Check out the WaitExec function.

Vytautas :D

No matter what what I seem to change it to. It seems to setr it to C:\Program Files right now I have it set to InstallDir 'C:\ASGS\'and it still points to that.

Does your script have this command in it?


If so it will be reading that key if it exists and setting the path specified in the first installer you ran with that key.


I'm new, might be completely off, but maybe you need

After you set $INSTDIR with InstallDir ""

That is what it's doing, reading the key that exists and setting the path specified in the first time I ran it, I do remember making it c:\program file on my first try hehe ok so what key and where did it put it

Thank u I found it :) it was the reg key