Archive: ?? A Question .... ???

?? A Question .... ???
I have a question ...............................

- Why does NSIS only accept .BMP files as image ?
- And why only .WAV for music ?

If you guys can let us use .JPG and .MP3 then the installer will be alot smaller

Is there a thing behind this or .........

If you guys can do this ... then it would be a nice idea for the next version

I think is for the standard resource from Win9x.
To accept jpg files, must add more code to decompress them in the source code of NSIS.

For the music files, you can use the system plugin to open them, although, the end-user must have the propiate codec to open MP3, such WMP 6.x (I think)

Yep, Windows use wave music and bitmap images since Win 3.1 (I think).

But if you don't want the .wav music, has a plugin called BassMOD to play MOD music (.xm, .mod ...).

But where should I place these files

- sentry.nsi
* I have : C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\sentry.nsi

* I have : C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins\BASSMOD.dll

- and 64ish.xm
* dont know where !

please help me > are these files in the correct places?

I suppose yes. Although I recommend you to see the documentation of the plugin to see how it works....

This post is the post with the latest version, that one I indicated before was only its example. Sorry about that.

and are you guys going to create a plugin for FLASH in the next version?. or later versions?

If yes .. I know a cool code :)