Archive: Grammar error in default install texts

Grammar error in default install texts
Looks like I missed reporting this before the 2.0 release, but oh well =).

The default laguage strings for DirText and DirBrowseText contain a grammar error and should be:
# ^DirText
Setup will install $(^NameDA) into the following folder. To install into a different folder, click Browse and select another folder. $_CLICK
# ^DirBrowseText
Select the folder to install $(^NameDA) into:

You install "into" a folder, not "in" it.

It seems the same strings are in both lang.cpp and English.nlf

Both sound correct the me, although I'm not a native English speaker. Are you sure it's incorrect? Even the Microsoft Installer displays "Setup will install ... in the following folder.".

The couple other installers I tried all said "Setup will install X to the following folder" I guess I don't have any from the Microsoft Installer sitting around to test...

The bug is actually from our QA team at NCSoft, and they're normally pretty anal about their grammar. Although I think either "to" or "into" is more correct than "in".

Any English majors out there? =)