Archive: VBS and ExecWait not working?

VBS and ExecWait not working?
I have the following commend and it is not running from within my installation

ExecWait "$R0\WriteToLog.vbs"

I have other ExecWait working, but these are on EXE files not VBS, any ideas?

have you tried ExecShell?

Problem with this is that you can't wait until the VBS script has finished before carring on :-(

since i don't know what your .vbs does i can only give vague hints.

but maybe there's a way to check the changes made by the script using nsis. you could query that and use the wait command in a loop until the change has been done.

other than that, i'd recommend using nsis to do what your vbs does (if possible).

ExecWait "c:\windows\system32\wscript.exe $TEMP\file.vbs //B"

Works a treat :-)

Just got to make sure the wscript file exists before running it.

using $SYSDIR might be the better choice