Reading in InstallOptions INI file from another directory at compile time.
I'm trying to include the INI file I'm using for my InstallOptions so that it will get pulled from a directory under the NSIS directory. I've tried what I have below but it either doesn't compile or gives me an error at runtime. I'd like to do this so that I can have all my INI files in a shared directory that anybody on my network can access. I'll be generating NSI files in their temp directory and then compiling there so that 2 people can build an install at the same time. I don't think I quite understand what /oname even after reading about it under File in the documentation. I guess I can just copy over the enterurl.ini to their temp directory if this isn't possible.
ReserveFile "/oname=${NSISDIR}\Include\enterurl.ini"
;Then in my .onInt I have:
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT "oname=${NSISDIR}\Include\enterurl.ini"