Archive: Install Options: custom widgets

Install Options: custom widgets
Hello All,

I have tried my best to find an answer or figure this question out for myself, but with little success.

Is there a way to change the widgets that NSIS uses? I do not mean the header graphics or the MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_CHECKBITMAP check boxes, but rather the widgets that are defined by the Install Options ini files.

I would like to use custom RadioButtons, but I cannot find instructions anywhere on doing so. Does NSIS support this in any way?

-Thanks everyone

NSIS uses a standard Windows interface. You can add graphics etc, but "skins" are not supported.

Thanks for the reply.

Sorry about the lamer question, but I did not know that "custom widgets" were aka "skins". :D When I searched the forum for skins I had all the information I needed.