Archive: Imbedding bitmap into install file

Imbedding bitmap into install file
I'm having some drama imbedding a bitmap used in my install file into the file itself.

I searched NSIS help documentation and came accross InstallOptions. Using this I managed to include a bitmap in my install program by adding it to the *.ini file. It worked perfectly but when I tried it on a friends PC it didn't show up because he didn't have the bitmap in his directory.

So my question is, is there some way of including this bitmap in the install file so everything can come in one neat package?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I searched the forum but couldn't find any similar questions with answers.

Thanks in advance

Where do you want the bitmap to display?

On a particular screen?

As a background?

I think must be a path error...
Can you post your code snippet?


use this:

Function .onInit
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\yourBmp.bmp "yourBmp.bmp"
WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\YourINI.ini" "Field 8" "Text" "$PLUGINSDIR\yourBmp.bmp"

you have to edit:
Field 8

not tested but it should work fine

cu bennyyy

Thanks Bennyyy your code was a great help. I had to modify it to fit in with what I had but the basic idea of what you wrote worked perfectly.

Thanks guys.

no problem!