Archive: Enabling / Disabling sections at runtime

Enabling / Disabling sections at runtime
I am developing an installer that must enable sections based on a registration code and not any of the rest.
I am going to make a plugin DLL and deal with the code and such, I think I am ok here.
Where I get confused is how to disable all sections and then at install time only enable those sections which the user is entitled to.
What is the best / correct way to do this?
I have looked though the faq/forum/manual and not found what I need yet.


look at sections.nsh a little closer. I use UnselectSection and SetSectionFlag to read only in my installer when I need to do something similar to what you are doing.

Also setting the name of a section to '' will make it invisible. You still need to unselect it if you do not want it's instructions executed.
