Execute a HTML file
How can I execute an HTML file which is held on my local machine?
Exec "$INSTDIR\screen.htm"
Does not work :-(
Archive: Execute a HTML file
Execute a HTML file
How can I execute an HTML file which is held on my local machine?
Exec "$INSTDIR\screen.htm"
Does not work :-(
Did you try the ExecShell?
you can make a test.cmd with the code:
and call this with
Exec '"$INSTDIR\test.cmd" "$INSTDIR\screen.htm"'
or you call the IE
Exec '"$PROGRAMFILES\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" "$INSTDIR\screen.htm"'
i hope this works...
You don't have to make it that difficult, just use ExecShell.
ExecShell worked a treat :-)