Archive: Show custom page when section selected

Show custom page when section selected
Hi all!

I have some problems with this issue. I read about this problem on forum, but it do not work on my side :-(

i have this:

!include Sections.nsh
Page custom ServerOptions ValidateServerOptions ": Server Running options"
Function ServerOptions
SectionGetFlags CreateINIFile $R0
MessageBox MB_OK "You have $R0"
IntOp $R0 $R0 & ${SF_SELECTED}
MessageBox MB_OK "You have $R0"
IntCmp $R0 ${SF_SELECTED} show

Function ValidateServerOptions


Section "Create INI File" CreateINIFile

As i saw in forum, and exmaples, this code should work, but still ...

the result of $R0 is 17, even if i select or not the section. Can some one give me a hint on this?

Problem solved.

I just moved

Function ServerOptions

after section was declared ... this is very tricky ...

SectionGetFlags CreateINIFile $R0

should be

SectionGetFlags ${CreateINIFile} $R0

And you should indeed put the function after the section, because ${CreateINIFile} is declared when the section is inserted.