Archive: win98 / 2000

win98 / 2000
i speack spanish, please pardon my english

y have two answers

1- run in space memory separate in win 2000 .
¿ how ?

2- i need diferentiate between win98 y 2000
if the program detect win98 who make something, if win 2000 or xp who make other thing.

¿whow make?


Use the GetWindowsVersion function (see the manual).

ok, this for detect win98 or 2000, ok
but for the space separate memory ????

What do you mean?

ok, in the shorcuts in win2000 and xp in advanced options there is one opcion for to mark
run in memory space separate or something simile

i want make an installer what create one shorcut with this option activated


Hmmm... I did understand... Just to clarify:

Right-clicking on a shortcut, on the Properties dialog click the "Advanced..." button, and there has a checkbox called "Run in separate memory space". He wants to check this checkbox when installing.

But it is the default of all icons (in Win XP Home Edition), why would you want to do it if they come with this option checked?

This is only a feature for legacy 16-bit applications, to improve stabilty. For all normal application you can't use this setting.

"Shortcut properties" may also be stored in the registry, please search the registry for the application filename, maybe you'll find it there.

exactly, i need make an installer for an application 16-bit
what create one shorcut with this option activated

Maybe you can include the .lnk file in your installer.

Good Idea !!!
Muchas Gracias
Thank you Very MUCH