Archive: get all Dial-up Names

get all Dial-up Names
is it possible to get all dial-up names in the Network Connections that are already created? (example: Netzero, ISP, Comcast, Pacbell) I want to get those names and add into the registry. I've searched in registry, there is none.

HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections"
This will automatically add if someone goes to Internet Option > Connections > Settings.. > Click OK. It will added. But I'm trying to get names that someone didn't go to the Setting.

Re: get all Dial-up Names
I'm currently checking out how to add modem + zmodem support to NSIS so our customers who don't have the Net can connect to our BBS and download stuff. Considering that NSIS doesn't support COM, and I can barely call myself a developer... don't hold your breath :-)

Some infos here on how to work with the RAS API to list entries in a phonebook:


The API is "RasEnumEntries", it uses the structure RASENTRYNAME for each entry wanted to get the name from. As you want to get the name of every connection in a phone book, you need to do a loop for it. Use System plugin to call the function.

Sorry, i don't know how to call the system or put RAS API included in. I have search in here and archive, nothing is found. I download and dunno what to do with it.

Section ""
Push $R0
System::Call "RASAPI32::RasEnumEntries" $R0
DetailPrint $R0
Pop $R0
Can you give me an example?

can anyone help me with this?


RasEnumEntries API has an parameter that indicate a callback function. But System Plugin's readme just provide tips, but not all the details of how to use callback functions with System Plugin. I'll get a look at it after (today).

ammm... Some help here?

EDIT: And just correcting a thing, don't have any callback functions here, the problem is the call, is complicated to translate what is written into a code.