Archive: Difference between ${THIS} and $THIS.

Difference between ${THIS} and $THIS.
Yes, I'm an NSIS noob. :p

I have been searching the manual and the FAQ without success for the official word on the syntactic difference between using curly braces and not using them. A forum search on "{" does not return anything... Maybe I am missing an essential language reference.

My tests suggest that I need {} for my own !define'd constants and not for system-defined constants, but it would be good to know if there is more to it than just that or if I am missing the boat entirely.


$THIS is a variable refernce, ${THIS} is a define (preprocessor constant) reference.

Ah, thank you! Does the documentation mention it (and I just missed it?)

This NSIS is pretty cool. I figured out some of the script language and got a setup program running smoothly!

Documentation reference: