Archive: ModernUI and .onVerifyInstDir

ModernUI and .onVerifyInstDir
I recently updated to the newer NSIS2 and converted one of my old scripts for the same task. Thought I'd put a bit of n00b control back in aswell by verifying that they at least have the game installed for the patch. It tells me it's the wrong dir good, when I click browse, it decides to tell me another 6 times before letting me select a different directory.

I'm using ModernUI (As the topic says)

Here's the function as it is now:

Function .onVerifyInstDir
IfFileExists $INSTDIR\data.grf finenorm oops
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_TOPMOST "You don't have Ragnarok Online Installed in the Directory selected."
IfFileExists $INSTDIR\sdata.grf carryon nosak
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_TOPMOST "You don't have Sakray Installed. Make sure It's installed into your Ragnarok Online Directory before patching."

Is there anoy sort of workaround? Or another function to use?

Change a label text or something else. Using a message box is not a good idea because this function is called every time the user changes the directory. If you display a message box every time the user pressed a key it will become almost impossible to enter a name.

I decided to use the MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE instead. Which is nicer I suppose.



Function verifydir



EDIT: It showed 6 times before the browse window actually popped up. After that it was fine again. Could ModernUI be fiddling with the directory before opening the browse window?

The Modern UI has nothing do this with this validation. It is indeed possible that it checks multiple times, that depends on the window messages and user input recieved.