Archive: MUI InstallOptions NOTIFY

MUI InstallOptions NOTIFY
Hi all

I'm using MUI and InstallOptions and have a custom page which gets options from the user, such as server transport (HTTP, HTTPS) and port (80, 443).

I want the state of the "port" Text field to change automatically when the user changes the "transport" DropList.

So, I have a custom page with entry and exit functions defined:

Page custom GetProperties CheckProperties

Then, function "GetProperties" displays the InstallOptions widgets:


and reads values off the page:


On the ini page, the transport DropList has "FLAGS=NOTIFY".

Now, function "CheckProperties" checks to see if it was the transport field that changed. If so, it reads its value:

!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $0 "ioA.ini" "Field 8" "State"

Then, if the state is "HTTP" it writes "80" to the port field:

!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "ioA.ini" "Field 10" "State" "80"

And if the state is "HTTPS", it writes "443" to the port field.

It then executes an Abort to return to the page.

This all works OK except that the state on the page is not changed... after changing the transport DropList to "HTTPS", the port Text field still contains "80". Id would *really* like it so display "443" at this point!

I hope I have explained this clearly. I can of course post the entire code if necessary. Looking forward to your help.

Use SendMessage with WM_SETTEXT and a string message (STR: prefix).

Thanks for your help. That led to me find this macro which works nicely:

!insertmacro MUI_INNERDIALOG_TEXT $1 "443"