Archive: Few Questions

Few Questions
Ok im currently composing this software bundle that comes with tons of folders and files and anyways I have a few questions. Any help is appreciated.

[1]. Well my bundle has 140 folders and 3,104 files. I was wondering if there was an easier way to include all those folders/files instead of manually copying and pasting the "InstallDir" and "File" commands so that the installer would install them all. So is there?

[2]. Is there a way to install services like for WinXP and how? Because I want to install the "Apache" service with NSIS and dont know how.

[3]. Which compressions is better? ZLib, BZip2, or LZMA. And what are their differences?

Thats it :P, If I have more then ill post them here.

I try to help... :)
1. See DOCs about File and parameter /r. You can add:

File "C:\path\*.*" /r
;Include all files and folders with relative paths.

2. I think in the web archive are some examples. Try here

3. Well I use BZIP2, but all are good ratio compression. Why don't compile different installers with different compressors.... ;)

The compression methods are described in the users manual. For the smallest size, LZMA is usually the best choice.

Oh 1 more thing, lets say I wanted to include like a page where you could pick what you wanted to install and what you didnt, like checkboxes. How would I do that?

Sorry im a NSIS noob. >_<

Oh and can somebody post a sample installation script, lets say the service was Apache and it was FOR EXAMPLE:
C:\blah\apache.exe. What would I add to the .nsi script so that it would install the service and always run at boot up ?

well, I'm a noob on NSIS too, but I would try to create a shortcut of the exe file in the All Users - Autostart Folder

^^should work