Archive: Free disc Space

Free disc Space
I have a problem. I build a lot of installers who are silent. I know that when using the directory page there is a check for free disc space.
There it displays the size of all chosen sections.
Is there any way to use this in silent mode? Sure i can use SectionGetSize but this is only for a named section.

I found a sample script which checks the free disc space of a named location but thats only useful if i know how much data will be installed on the target machine (inclusing Size of Addsize if used).

As the info seems to be in NSIS there should be a way to use it.

What's wrong with SectionGetSize?

It doesn't work very well of you deal with Insttypes.

Why do you need installation types for a silent installer?

Sometimes, yes. It's good for silent updates based on the previous settings. But this doesn't answers my question if the info used on the directory page for needed space can be accessed within the installer

You can combine SectionGetInstTypes with SectionGetSize.