Archive: weird shortcuts!

weird shortcuts!
I have an nsi script that creates ONE shortcut on the desktop.

I noticed that SOMETIMES when I run it multiple times as an Admin it creates the shortcut multiple times as well instead of overwriting the existing one! So I end up with the same shortcut on my DESKTOP but so many of them! And the funny thing is that if I try to remove them windows will not let me saying that it can not find the file!!

Have you seen this problem before?


I have seen something similar when you install a shortcut for the currect user and then install it for all users there will be two shortcuts with the same name on the desktop.


Thanks vytautas for your reply.

I have seen what you said as well but I found that to be normal because one shortcut will be for the program installed for all users and one for the user even if ideally the user shortcut should take precedence...(Bill Gates does not think it is a good idea:))

But the problem I am reporting here is worse because you can end up with 20 or 40 shortcuts on your desktop all the same!!!

If you right click on your Desktop and select refresh it would solve the problem. But I am wondering why would such a thing happen in the first place!.