Archive: [MySQL] Minimal install?

[MySQL] Minimal install?

I browsed through the archives, but it seems like the few examples I saw ran the MySQL installer through ExecWait. Since it's 10MB and filled with stuff I don't need, I'd like to write an NSIS script that installs the bare minimum to install a server and a client. Does anyone have some code that I could use?

From what I read, here is the minimum stuff, but I don't know about the rest (eg. installing and running a service, what about 9x, etc.):


;server; 2.2MB

;command-line client; about 300KB

;command-line utility to ease use of main commands; 300KB


;the MySQL database with tables like user, host, etc.; About 60KB

;the test database; 8KB

;charsets for a number of languages; guess you can trim it down to just the language you need to use; about 100KB

;one directory per language, each containing errmsg.sys and errmsg.txt
; to display error messages in the ad hoc language; Whole set about 600KB

Thank you

Hi any luck i'm looking also how to install the MySQL and on a new PC and have the MySQL initiated for the first time. I don't know where to start in the script and where to put it.

Any help Thanks Hans