Archive: Default font in installer?

Default font in installer?

does anyone know the default font in the installer? Can't find anything in the help...


isnt it the default font of your windows settings?

I guess not, I just tried changing the 'Message Text' setting in Windows to Comic Sans :) and it didn't change the installer font, although it did change the MessageBox Font.

See the manual: SetFont

I don't want to change the font, I just want to know what it is.

Isn't it the Usual Windows Font "MS Sans Serif" with a Font Size of 8 or 10?

looks like tahoma 8pt to me, but that might vary on different windows version and/or the UI you're using

I would agree, but surely this font is built into the UI by default (since one is able to change it). It doesn't look to be dependant on any Windows setting that I can find. Maybe some MUI developer can answer this question? *hint hint* *looks around for Joost*

It's MS Shell Dlg, which maps to a font depending on the Windows version. On Windows 9x/ME it's MS Sans Serif, on Windows NT/2000/XP it's Tahoma.