Archive: Missing MUI LangStrings

Missing MUI LangStrings
ok, I received a very strange bug while compiling

LangString "MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE" is not set in language table of language 1033

about 15 LangStrings seem to be missing, but If search for them in the nsh Flie, i find them

it's really crazy, because in my other setup it works without any problems

any Ideas?

Juste put the following line after the MUI defines (before your .onInit function if it's still the same script ;))

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"


I've putted the line now before and after and receive the same warnings :(

That's why you are receiving the warnings, put the line only after the MUI defines.

sounds logically, but if I have it only after .onInit
it still doesn't work

It's really confusing, my other scripts work and there I have the language only before .onInit


about 15 LangStrings seem to be missing
Put the LangStrings right after defining the language.

LangString "MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE" is not set in language table of language 1033
Put it right before MUI pages defines.

I'll specify it:

I've two scripts script one works perfect - no errors

script two has missing LangStrings

I don't know why, because I use the same language File

I've searched in the langFile for the "missing" strings
and they are there

hmm confusing

then I downloaded the langfile a second time and changed the one I had

script one is still working perfect

script two still doesn't works

script two has missing LangStrings
Probably the second script uses somewhere the missing LangStrings.

I don't know why, because I use the same language File
This doesn't means it not requires additional LangStrings to work.

You should attach the script here...

Ok, here is the code

I've commented a few lines out, but I still receive the warnings that the langfiles are missing

this version should compile on your system, too

when starting after compile the welcome page is an empty white field on the dialog...

would be interesting if you have the same error

As you can find in the documentation, put !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German" after the MUI_PAGE macros.

If you have not yet inserted your pages it doesn't know what LangStrings to include.

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
;Page custom cp_show cp_leave
;Page custom cp_terminal_enter
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"

Function .onInit

First I call the Pages, then the LangFile

and get 16 Warnings:
LangString "MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE" is not set in language table of language 1033
LangString "MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT" is not set in language table of language 1033

[EDIT]I solved it... very interesting and confusing story - I'll post it later, cause now I've to work hard to get this Setup complete[/EDIT]