Archive: How to do A select Drive box ?

How to do A select Drive box ?
Hi all,

I 've searched in the archive site and on this forum and I don't find the answer for my problem.

1) In my NSIS installation,I don't want the user to choose the installdir. The only information that I need is the drive and I like to make with NSIS a window like the attach file.

As you can see,I'd like to do a window with a sort of "drive-combobox" inside.

I use NSIS 2.0 in modern UI.

Who can give me an example of NSIS scipt ?

Thanks a lot.

Hi :)

Well, just build an page using InstallOptions... The control to use is "DropList" (to allow only selection).

MUI Doc:

InstallOption Doc:

And here you can find the code to detect the drives, to fill the "DropList":


Thanks a lot for your answer.
I'm just going to test it !

Good week-end for you !