Archive: Deleting Desktop Shortcuts in windows 98

Deleting Desktop Shortcuts in windows 98
I have an uninstaller that works perfectly on most Windows operating systems, but doesn't delete all of the desktop shortcuts on windows 98. I am using NSIS 2.0.

The code in the script file looks like this:
SetShellVarContext all

Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Product\Circulation.lnk"
Delete "$DESKTOP\Circulation.lnk"

When the un-install is run, the output mentions that it is deleting the start-menu shortcut, and then there is a small delay, but it never mentions deleting the desktop shortcut (an of course, the shortcut is still there when the uninstaller completes).

To really confuse things, it does work with some of the other shortcuts, and the same code is used to delete them.

The attributes of the shortcuts are fine, and I haven't seen anyone else report a similar issue (via google and forum searches).

Could this be a bug in the NSIS engine?


Please add a messagebox and give the output of $DESKTOP.

C:\Windows\Desktop. Heh.

I thought that SetShellVarContext was supposed to changed that...