Archive: strange thing

strange thing
i think i found a bug.

i just downloaded the cvs version (9 may 2004).
try this : when the installer starts (nsis installer) hit "next" the "back" and then "next" again. at this point the installer is closed. can anyone reproduce this ?


Just checked this myself. This problem occurs for me too in exactly the same way...

lol,,, How did you found out ... lol .........

Well.. Nice job :)

Also, on the Start Menu page, just before the instfiles page, now if you click on "back", it doesn't go back, and instead behaves as if you clicked on "install". Strange...

o_O Help!

strange things like this where the matter I stopped using Install Shield


Thats the "How can I get the users crazy" for Developers
You can buy this book for...

lol ;) :p

I can reproduce this when using a welcome page (InstallOptions). I've reported it so it will be fixed soon.