Archive: Some question from a jackaroo

Some question from a jackaroo
I use this product first time, can one help me.
How can I check the file is in use£¿

How to modify texts on the dialog?

How to add some options on the dialog, and get the choise from the use£¿

Thanks a lot.

for custom dialogs, check the installoptions readme
if you just want to change the text on a existing dialog, look in de language file and change the text

Hi tracysxsy, welcome to the world of NSIS :)

You might want to use IfFileExists instruction for look for a file.

For the rest, do as Davion posted....

Thank Davion and Lobo Lunar for your helps.

I will try the Installer Attributes.

But I don't understand about the IfFileExists , I just want to know if the file is in use, and not to check the file exist or not.

Thank you again.

I have another question:(

At the directory page, the installdir is error, but the files is installed at right dir.



but is show ¡°C:\Program Files\tracyNSIS¡±, and the files
is installed at the C:\Program Files\tracy.

what's the matter?

Set the Install Dir on a very first point in your setup with this command

InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\Tracy

you don't need to copy your standard dir into the $INSTDIR var

try this^^ ;)

I delete this script, it's ok.

!define PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\test.exe"

I have read the helps, but I still do't know how to add a check box at the finish page :(

Who can help me? Thanks a lot.

Let the check box call a custom function (see Modern UI Readme).

It's OK!