Archive: ToolTips plugin: How usefull?

ToolTips plugin: How usefull?
How usefull will be a plugin that will allow to display Tooltips in some controls of the Installer's dialog?

very usefull .. and very cool.... !!!!

In progress :)

See first version of it.
Compile the example.


Hmmm... Great, it worked very well with Win XP!

Keep up with the good work!

:up: :up:

For the Modern tooltip will need IE 5 or Windows 98.

Any luck in Win9x and Win2k users?

Both types of tooltip appeared on my Win98SE system


I'll do final fixes, than load-it up in the web archive

does this also work for IO pages?

Yes, you'll just get the HWND of the control.

is there a tool, which shows me the HWND of my controls (onmouseover)?

Don't need to, in your show function of the custom page, use as the documentation of InstallOptions:

GetDlgItem (output var) (hwnd of the custom dialog) (1200 + Field number - 1)
I'll try to make an example

how do i get the hwnd of the custom page then? :)

Function FunctionName ;FunctionName defined with Page command

;Display the Install Options dialog

Push $R0
Push $R1
Push $R2

InstallOptions::initDialog /NOUNLOAD $PLUGINSDIR\test.ini
Pop $R0 # HWND

GetDlgItem $R1 $R0 1200 ;1200 + Field number - 1

;$R1 contains the HWND of the first field
CreateFont $R2 "Tahoma" 10 700
SendMessage $R1 ${WM_SETFONT} $R2 0

Pop $R0

Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Pop $R0


as i'm using MUI, i tried the following code.


Function .onInit

Function SetCustomA
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Caption" "Description"
GetDlgItem $DLGITEM $HWND 1201 ;Field 2
ToolTips::Classic $DLGITEM "Test"

the result of this is the installer quitting instantly after calling that page. can anyone help me out please?

You should attach your script so we can help to fix it properly.

hope this helps :rolleyes:


2) Replace !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "ioA.ini" by !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_SHOW.

Updated plugin :D

Customize the fore, background color as well the font and the size.

See the example for details.


Perfect!! and... Thank You!!! Where Can I download it? (in web page it's 1.0 version)

In the archive:,32

But the link there just points here to lobos site:

Although the version has not changed.

I see, that was a debug upload in that time...

I'll work in the debug for a release one ;)

Ok... updated

See the readme + examples....
What's new?
1. Custom colors.
2. Custom font face and size.


Thank You!!!
I have some problem ;) If I add a tooltip to ComboBox or Button, when timeout expire tooltip don't appear anymore...
(Es decir, si en un ComboBox o un Botón asocio un Tooltip y lo hago aparecer, pasando el ratón por encima, cuando desaparece ya no vuelve a aparecer. Esto no pasa en un EntryField)

Yes, I have the same problem... I don't know why, I use the user's timeout default appear-dissapear. I'll check msdn, maybe I'm missing something...

Thanks for the reply.... :)


- Fix size bug.
- Added an example with custom page controls.

Thanks, Joel.

Nice, I'll love plugins,

What about adding:

!addplugindir ".\"

to your NSIS script so we can try instantly?

Originally posted by onad
Nice, I'll love plugins,

What about adding:

!addplugindir ".\"

to your NSIS script so we can try instantly?
Maybe :)
on next release ;)

This plugin is no longer maintained, so I thought I'd write up some issues encountered in later versions of Windows (and in general usage):