Archive: Ending the installer in a modern UI

Ending the installer in a modern UI
This must be such an easy thing, but I can't find it in the help file or on this message board. Possibly because it's so easy noone has asked it :(.

Anyway, I am trying to:
1> show a welcome screen using the modern UI <--Working
2> Run a custom function on Welcome_leave <--Working
3> Close the installer<--Not working.

Using the Abort command only prevents the next window from displaying. This is good. I don't want the next window to display. I also want the installer to close though.

Anyway, now that I'm using the modern UI I seem to have no control over when to stop the installer. Can someone please tell me how I can close the installer when the user clicks 'Next'?

Thankyou for your help in advance.

Have you tried the quit command?


No sir I had not, but as it happens that command also doesn't produce the desired result. Let me paste the relevant code in case that will be helpful. :winamp:

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME

Function WelcomePageLeave

Call IsDotNETInstalled

Pop $R3

StrCmp $R3 0 +2

MessageBox MB_OK "Framework installed!" ID_OK Done

; else
MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "The Microsoft .NET Framework is required for this application. Press OK to install, press Cancel to abort." IDOK InstallNET IDCANCEL 0
Abort ;<-Next page skipped
quit ;now how do I close the installer?

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
SetOverwrite ifnewer
File "dotnetfx.exe"
ExecWait '"$INSTDIRdotnetfx.exe"'



Remove the Abort command.

All worky! TYVM!!!