Archive: Disabling check box next to sub section

Disabling check box next to sub section
Can anyone help.

I am trying to create a selection menu in the components screen and have two subsections that contains sections. I have been able to restrict the sections so only one check box can be selected per subsection (using radio buttons), but I do not want the check box next to the subsection to be active because current this can be selected and all sections then get selected which is not what I want.

Attached is the NSIS script file. Can anyone help?

# Define your application name
!define APPNAME "Classroom Refresh Utility"
!define APPNAMEANDVERSION "Classroom Refresh Utility"

# Main Install settings
OutFile "Refresh.exe" ; Output file when compiled

!include "MUI.nsh" ; Enables Modern User Interface
#!include "SU.nsh"
!include "Sections.nsh" ; Includes Functions and Macros for Siebel University Installations

; Pages

SubSection "Siebel 7.7 Courses" 77REF
Section /o "Essentials (7.7)" 77ESS
SectionIn 1
push 77ESS
Call Refresh
Section /o "Case Study (7.7)" 77CASE
SectionIn 1
push 77CASE
Call Refresh ; Calls stopService function
Section /o "Migration (7.7)" 77MIG
SectionIn 1
push 77MIG
Call Refresh
Section /o "Pre-Release Training (7.7)" 77PPT
SectionIn 1
push 77PPT
Call Refresh
Section /o "Analytics Application Developer (7.7)" 77AAD
SectionIn 1
push 77AAD
Call Refresh
Section /o "Analytics Data Warehouse Developer (7.7)" 77ADWD
SectionIn 1
push 77ADWD
Call Refresh
Section /o "Analytics Server Architect (7.7)" 77ASA
SectionIn 1
push 77ASA
Call Refresh

SubSection "Siebel 7.5 Courses" 75REF
Section /o "Essentials or Application Administration (7.5)" 75ESS
SectionIn 2
push 75ESS
Call Refresh
Section /o "Case Study (7.0/7.5)" 75cs
SectionIn 2
push 75cs
Call Refresh ; Calls stopService function
Section /o "Business Analyst I & II (7.5)" 75BP
SectionIn 2
push 75BP
Call Refresh
Section /o "Incentive Compensation Administration (7.5.3)" sica
SectionIn 2
push sica
Call Refresh
Section /o "eAI (7.5)" eAI
SectionIn 2
push eAI
Call Refresh
Section /o "Analytics - Server Architect (7.5)" ASA
SectionIn 2
push ASA
Call Refresh
Section /o "Analytics - Data Warehouse Developer (7.5)" ADWD
SectionIn 2
push ADWD
Call Refresh

Function .onSelChange
!insertmacro startradiobuttons $1
!insertmacro RadioButton ${77REF}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${75REF}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${77ESS}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${77CASE}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${77MIG}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${77PPT}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${77AAD}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${77ADWD}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${77ASA}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${75ESS}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${75CS}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${75BP}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${SICA}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${EAI}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${ASA}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${ADWD}
!insertmacro endradiobuttons

Function Refresh
Delete C:\Rollout_no.txt
Delete C:\Rollout_yes.txt ; Function to install Perl and AutoInstaller if needed.
Pop $0
ExecWait 'cmd /c Start /wait D:\menu\refresh.bat $0'
IfFileExists "C:\Rollout_No.txt" norollout
MessageBox MB_YESNO "You need to perform a Server Rollout to enable this course refresh. Please Select Yes to Perform the server rollout now or Select No to exit this course refresh." IDNO norollout
ExecWait 'cmd /c Start /wait D:\menu\Rollout.bat'


have you thought ove writing your own InstallOptions Page?

If I understood it right this would be the easiest way to work this out

I am new to NSIS and not familar with creating my own custom Installpage. Any ideas where I can start with creating a custom installpage?

Is there no way to remove the select all when the check box next to a subsection is selected. If I can disable the select all that could be a temporary workaround whilst I get familar with creating custom pages.


Check the NSIS\Contrib\InstallOptions\Readme.html
and the Examples in the IO Folder for information about this

this should help, you still have to work, but it's not as hard as it looks