Archive: New button event handling

New button event handling
Additional to the 'Install' 'Next' and 'Back' Button I wish to add a new ('About') button in my modern gui, which should display informations about my installer (I use it as an updater) and should be able to show the license page from every part of the installation.

So its easy to add a new button to the dialog 105 using resource hacker, but how could i access to the click event of this button and react with my own function?

Any help is welcome.


look in the archive for the help support plugin, code for that should help you


Thank you DrO !

Nice plugin, very nice.

Some ideas about it:

(1)Show .chm content:
Its called 'help support plugin' so what do you think about the ability to open a topic from a given compiled windows help file (.chm) -> known as displaying 'contextsensitive help'?

Such functionality would be very needful for me, because my NSIS-Installer is rather an updater. So there is already a compiled chm which explains how to act with my updater.

Unfortunately I do not know much about c++ programming, but I think this should be easy to implement, should'nt it?

(2)call a function
What about the idea to call a function from the click on the (help)button ?


OK - the help plugin is nice but brings some probs together with the Modern UI.

So the search goes on for a solution for adding an additional button to the Dialog 105.

In another post was written, that this could only be done by changing the source of nsis.

So I downloaded the latest CVS-Source, opened it in V C++ and tried to compile it (not modified!) but I get the following error(s):

Ui.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __aullshr
Release-bzip2/exehead_bzip2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved external link

So what goes wrong and how to solve it? Unfortunately I'm just a C++ beginner.

Thanx in advance,

Did you install the latest Platform SDK?

Originally posted by Joost Verburg
Did you install the latest Platform SDK?
No i didnt. But now I do :-). I installed more than 300 MB of the currently Platform SDK and the Visual Studio Service Pack 5 but still the same error message.

Could this happen because I'm using the German Version of V C++ Basic Edition?

Any other ideas?

oops, forgot i'd replied here :eek:

just looked for what __aullshr could be and i've no idea.

you said there were problems with the plugin and modern skins? what was the problem?

(1)Show .chm content:
Its called 'help support plugin' so what do you think about the ability to open a topic from a given compiled windows help file (.chm) -> known as displaying 'contextsensitive help'?
yeah, that was eventually planned, just my winamp duties took over things :( hmm, as long as i know how deal with chm files then it should be easy to add in.

(2)call a function
What about the idea to call a function from the click on the (help)button ?
yeah, a callback function would be good to have :)

drop me a mail and we can discuss this a bit more ;)


Ui.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __aullshr
Release-bzip2/exehead_bzip2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved external link
Isn't just you that are getting this above. (And I'm too a C++ beginner)

Could this happen because I'm using the German Version of V C++ Basic Edition?
No, this happens too with mine Visual Studio Enterprise 6.0 in English.

strange one that since i can't find any reference to what that export is. very strange...

and on other notes, the updated/fixed version will be up later tonight/today once i'm back from work :)


Actually, I had the same problem. What you have to do, is to make exehead_bzip2 your current project, the go to Project -> Settings (or press Alt+F7), go to the Link tab and add "libc.lib" among the "Object/library modules".

That's not the best method to get rid of that error. This is.