Archive: "Remve all files in directory" question

"Remve all files in directory" question

how can I get such a uninstall-question in my uninstaller:

This question should only appear if there are 'user-created files' (which not includes in the default-installation) in the $INSTDIR.

You just have to define a Message box with a text like this
and depending on the Answer you delete the files or not

MessageBox MB_YESNO "Would you like to delete all Files in the Folder?" IDNO done
RMDir /r "$INSTDIR/Folder"

hope this helps

greetz, Dave

Hi querschlaeger :)

Well actually the solution posted by Davion does not suit your needs, as "RMDIR /r" will remove *all* the files from the specified directory.

In order to remove specifically the files installed, and not the files created by the user, you'll have to write some code to 'log' the installed files into an 'ini' file, and then a function that go through this list to remove each 'logged' file.

You can check this thread for more info:

Good luck :)
