Archive: String Compare with more results

String Compare with more results

i need a function who compares a string and returns the results "greater than" or "lower than". It´s basically the same function like IntCmpU but only with strings. Are such a function available?

Best Regards

Rainer Budde

Maybe, but you can try this: :)

SetCompressor lzma
XPStyle on
Name "Lobo Lunar"
OutFile "Hi.exe"
BrandingText "Lobo Lunar"
InstallDir "$EXEDIR"
ShowInstDetails show

Page instfiles "" "inst_show" ""

Function "inst_show"

StrCpy $1 "Holann" #input 1st. string
StrCpy $2 "Hello" #input 2nd. string

StrLen $0 $1 # 1st. string len.
StrLen $R0 $2 # 2nd. string len.

IntCmp $0 $R0 Equal Less More #Compare 1st with 2nd string, if 1st string is...

Equal: # If the 1st and the 2nd are the same:
DetailPrint "$1 and $2 are the same ($0)"
goto Exit

Less: # If 1st string is less...
DetailPrint "$1($0) is less than $2($R0)"
goto Exit

More: #If 1st is bigger....
DetailPrint "$1($0) is bigger than $2($R0)"
goto Exit

Exit: # The end

Section "-default"
; Nothing...


thanks for your answer. But I your function checks the length of the two strings. I need a function who compares to strings. For example:

1. String: "abc"
2. String: "ABC"

Best regards


Do you ment uppercase vs. lowercase?

Originally posted by Lobo Lunar
Do you ment uppercase vs. lowercase?
No, I don´t! For example: I have two strings:

1. String "1.11"
2. String "1.12"

Now I want compare both strings which is greater than the other. In Delphi I do this for example:

If AString1 >= AString2 then
ShowMessage('1st String is greater or equal')
ShowMessage('1st Strings is lower')

Maybe I can convert the two strings in double values and compare this. But I dont know how to do this?

Best Regards


I believe StrCmp, is what you are after.

StrCmp "str1" "str2" jump_if_equal [jump_if_not_equal]


StrCmp "1" "2" lblEqual lblNotEqual
MessageBox mb_ok "Equal"
goto lblDone
MessageBox mb_ok "Not Equal"

Not exactly safe....but it is close to what you asked for...

The best way to do this is to use the version checking string function in the archive.


Originally posted by zimsms
I believe StrCmp, is what you are after.

StrCmp "str1" "str2" jump_if_equal [jump_if_not_equal]


StrCmp "1" "2" lblEqual lblNotEqual
MessageBox mb_ok "Equal"
goto lblDone
MessageBox mb_ok "Not Equal"

Not exactly safe....but it is close to what you asked for...
That doesn´t help me!

The best way to do this is to use the version checking string function in the archive.
But I think this function helps me. I´ve searched for this function but I can´t find it. Where can I find this function?

Best regards


Originally posted by Speed78
[B]No, I don´t! For example: I have two strings:

1. String "1.11"
2. String "1.12"

If AString1 >= AString2 then
ShowMessage('1st String is greater or equal')
ShowMessage('1st Strings is lower')
I don't know Delphi, but you can't compare like that strings, I think you are comparing the numbers not the strings.

According to the above example, there's one web archive.
Dotted Comparison Script

Call lstrcmp with System.dll.


thx for your answer.

Originally posted by Lobo Lunar
I don't know Delphi, but you can't compare like that strings, I think you are comparing the numbers not the strings.

According to the above example, there's one web archive.
Dotted Comparison Script
This is what I need.

Best regards
