Multilingual Installer Example (Real World)
Hello Everybody!

With the assistance of Kichik, I have uploaded a complete example, which demonstrates a build environment designed for branding installs for specific locales. It also meets the DELL standards by supporting a complete multilingual silent install, via command line.

You can find the example here.

I hope many of you can benefit from this. Any questions this is the place to voice them.

In case I forgot to specify the command line parameters, here is the syntax:

MyApp.exe /S /L="LanguageID" /D="Path"

MyApp.exe /S /L="1033" /D="c:\Progra~1\MyApp"

This would silently install an English version into c:\Progra~1\MyApp.

All other NSIS command line parameters are acceptable too!
The example currently has 5 or so languages available.
