Archive: Confirm Shortcut Delete

Confirm Shortcut Delete
I need to be able to display "Confirm Shortcut Delete" dialogue when a user tries to delete an Icon that the installation has placed on the Desktop.

I've seen other application icons do this, can we do it?

do you mean a simple messagebox or a page?

It's a message box, which informs the user that they are deleting an icon and not the application, and gives a link to the Add/Remove section of the Control Panel if they want to delete the application

The full version Outlook is a good example of this, however, the Outlook icon is actually a hidden control panel plugin or com object....not a real icon.

i just copied a lot of shortcuts from my startmenu on to my desktop, it shows that dialog for most of them but not all, regmon shows explorer looking for the target (exe not lnk) in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache but some of the shortcuts with its target listed there did NOT show the dialog (just the normal one) maybe the best thing u can do is name the shortcut with the same name u use in add/remove programs