Archive: How can I include terms?

How can I include terms?
how can i include term?
i need follow terms:

if selected "shortcuts" on install features, make the setup shortcuts. not else.

2. u required version "x" of the application before u can install this version. to example.
the setup should search for installed components of the same application and show this.
small: how can i make a "updater" that search for installed components and update this?

You can put code in a section to allow users to install the feature or not.

To detect older versions use registry keys or files. You can insert any logic you want to upgrade previous versions.

ok. with the shorcuts i´m finished. this was easy.
but the upgrade:
how can i save the version in registry keys?
how is the code for looking for files? if file "..." in folder "...", than can the user contuine the setup.
how i do this?

Check the users manual: ReadRegStr, WriteRegStr, IfFileExists etc.