Archive: Gathering Information and Writing it to a file

Gathering Information and Writing it to a file
Hey all-
Well again Ive run into a few snags setting up my installer. I'm still working with a multi language .net section of it, but thats not what is causing me trouble. Once the installer is finished installing all the files for the application, I need it to ask a few questions. I very easily made these and spread them over 2 screens. The desired effect would be the installer asks the paths to a persons music directory, and various program exes, then takes that info and places it into an xml file (installed and formated along with all the other files). I've searched and searched and I dont really know what to do. I know there are most likely a bunch of ways to do it, but my question is what would be the best, most clean/efficiant way to achieve this? I've been playing around with replacing lines of txt and have been able to do it, but I havent been able to write info from a field on any of the screens. Plus the format of the xml file needs to have the infomation collected from a specific field to be placed between its label similiar to: <audioplayerexe>link</audioplayerexe> I'll include the .xml file as well as my script file for anyone to take a look at and hopefully point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.


edit: Here's the link to the script for the interested:

If you know all the values in the XML file I think the easist way is to use the NSIS file commands to write everything to the file. Then you won't need an XML parser.