Trouble with Nsisdl and ZipDll
Hey All-
So I started tinkering around with NSISdl and ZipDll this morning, and everything was going smoothly, I was able to set up a remote download of a zip file and everything worked flawlessly. Then (there's always a then) I started working with zipdll and ran into problems. I'm trying to get it to download a zip file and then extract it to a subfolder in my install directory. I know I'm doing osmething wrong, but I cant tell what, when I run the installation it gets to the download portion and gives me an error when it tries to download the zip. I think it has something to do with it not being able to download the file before zipdll tries to open it, heres to coding, any help would be awesome!
Section "Skins" SEC02-matt
NSISdl::download "$INSTDIR\skins"
Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
StrCmp $R0 "success" +3
MessageBox MB_OK "Download failed: $R0"
ZipDLL::extractall "$INSTDIR\skins\" "$INSTDIR\skins"