Archive: Displaying text in a IO Page with scrollbar

Displaying text in a IO Page with scrollbar
Thx for the fast replies on my last Questions
but I have another stupid one:

I want to show the user a overview about his input
until now I have used a label to realize that, but I found out that long input is automatically shown with Linebreaks

and because of this the place isn't enough

(I'll attach a pic of this)

So I wanted to ask if there is a way to show a

NON changeable textbox or anything like that with scrollbars

any idea?

Hi Davion..

Use a "Text" control, set the flags HSCROLL|VSCROLL|READONLY.

Thx for the fast replies on my last Questions
but I have another stupid one
It's not a stupid question, but again the answer is in the doc.


Well I've searched the IO readme, but I didnt found anything about this

Ok, I must admit that I would find more solutions myself If I could get more sleep through the night

thanks for your indulgence (don't know if this the right word - in germany we say "nachsicht") and of course your help

Well I've searched the IO readme, but I didnt found anything about this
From the IO2 Readme:

Flags (optional) This specifies additional flags for the display of different controls. Each value should be separated by a | character, and you should be careful not to put any spaces around the | character.

Meaning: Used by "Text" controls. Causes the control to accept multiple-lines.

Meaning: Used by "Text" controls with multiple-line. Disables the word-wrap that occurs when long lines are entered. Long lines instead scroll off to the side. Specifying the HSCROLL flag also has this effect.

Meaning: Show a horizontal scrollbar. When used by "Text" controls with multiple-lines this also disables word-wrap.

Meaning: Show a vertical scrollbar.

Meaning: Used by "Text" controls. Prevents the user from entering or editing text in the edit control, but allow the user to select and copy the text.

maybe I should buy glasses :cool: ... better...

thx pengyou