Archive: How to create a shortcut within Startmenu/Startup folder?

How to create a shortcut within Startmenu/Startup folder?
I am quite new to NSIS and I'd need to create a shortcut within the Startmenu/Startup folder.

1. How could this be done (especially how can I retrieve the folder's location, keeping in mind that this folder has very different names, depending on the OS language)?

2. Is it possible to provide a checkbox form during the installation process where the user can select if he wants a shortcut within that folder or not?

Thanks for helping,



You can create a Section where you setup your shortcuts. On the component page the user can select/unselect the component.

For $SMSARTUP keep in mind that the command "
SetShellVarContext" determens whether it's for All Users (Admin Rights req.) or only for the current user