Archive: Chineese filenames with File

Chineese filenames with File
While trying to load filenames with the File command it give me this error:
File: failed opening file "C:\Games\apez\Data\palette\+?"

the real filenames have chineese characters in them. do you have a program to list though the directories and thousands of files and rename them to a useable filename?


What is chineese?Chinese?

thanks for your o so helpfull post

Well considering NSIS only supports MBCS, and not Unicode; have you tried using the File command with an MBCS string?

Or resort to wildcards....


Support Chinese,you must complie on a Chinese OS.Why using Chinese filename?Use PinYin instead of.

My installers support simplified and traditional chinese, without compiling on a chinese system. However, I use English filenames, and chinese shortcuts....... Only if you expect the end user to care about filenames should you even be concerned with the filename itself. Most of the OS is English behind the scenes anyways.

It you have set the language for non-Unicode applications to Chinese and save your script file as MBCS.