ReadINIStr is reading an overwritten file
On reinstalls, I am reading values from a newly re-written ini file and writing those values to an xml config file.
It appears that the call for:
ReadINIStr $1 $INSTDIR\myinifile.ini Section Value
is reading the depricated (overwritten) file. In debugging, I try blowing the old ini file away prior to writing a new one, but I still get similiar results in that NSIS can't see the newly created file so $1 = "" even though the file is there.
The process of writing the ini file is not accessible to me, so do you suggest something like:
ExecWait 'sleep (seconds)'
would allow NSIS to 'catch-up' to the new file? This sounds odd, but I do notice that my debug MessageBoxes that I plant allow some time to pass and (seems like) the values can then be read correctly.