Archive: Uninstall components prior to installing

Uninstall components prior to installing
I have an installer of a mod for the game Mafia.
Before installing the mod, the installer must remove other mods from the game.

Something like this...
User browses to his Mafia game folder.

Then a new page in the installer appears saying click "next" to remove all Mafia mods.
So it should remove some folders (tables, system...) from the path that the user selected.

for example: user selected C:\Games\Mafia.
Installer deletes folders C:\Games\Mafia\tables, C:\Games\Mafia\system... after the user click next.

After that it should continue normally installing and stuff...

I can't go with reading from the registry, because the user might have multiple game installations and wants to install the mod on one of many installations.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can add a directory page and components page to your uninstaller.

But it should delete the files before installing the mod from my installer...
So I don't see how I can do it with what you said..

You can make the installer run the uninstaller. There have been several topics about it.

Oh, I get it.
Thanks, I'll look into it. ;)