Execute java jar
I am looking for the information how I can run my java jar file from the Programs menus ...
an example will be very helpful...
best regards,
Archive: Execute java jar
Execute java jar
I am looking for the information how I can run my java jar file from the Programs menus ...
an example will be very helpful...
best regards,
Create a Shortcut pointing to an installed Java runtime. in the Bin directory lies a programm called javaw.exe
use it this way: javaw.exe -jar <path to .jar File>
Thank you for the reply ... but I have to set the environment first i.e the classpath and path for java. Where and how I can set this ... in the mean I try to do as you said :)
It's best if you specify the classpath at runtime.
ie: javaw.exe -cp "Classpath" -jar <path to .jar File>
or use a batch file.....
Thank you for your help .... i defined it at runtime and it works :)